Hearing Aid Evaluations

If you feel that you may need a hearing aid, you will need to be evaluated by our Audiologists or Hearing Instrument Specialist. You will be asked a series of questions in order to determine the impact your hearing loss has on your day to day life. It is helpful to bring a family member or a friend, so they can also provide feedback on how your hearing loss may be affecting them. You will also need to have an updated hearing test within the past twelve months. The results of the hearing test will provide us with information about your hearing that determines what sounds you may be missing. Before being fit with a hearing aid, you may be referred to an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor that specializes in disorders of the ear, if we feel there is any portion of your hearing test that should be addressed before hearing aids can be recommended.

Depending on the results of your hearing test, one or two hearing aids may be recommended. We will show you different styles and types of hearing aids. You may even be able to demo the hearing aid in the office to get a sense of what a hearing aid sounds like. We will discuss your lifestyle, degree of hearing loss, what to expect with hearing aids, as well as financial circumstances. Our Audiologists or Hearing Instrument Specialist will recommend hearing aids, however the final choice on which hearing aid you select is yours.

Once hearing aids are chosen, the hearing aids are ordered through the specific manufacturer. Waterville Audiology does carry some hearing aids in stock. However, if we don't have the hearing aids in stock, you will return for another appointment for a hearing aid fitting, once the hearing aids have been received. Our Audiologists or Hearing Instrument Specialist will then program and adjust the hearing aids so that they are comfortable.

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